Geophysical Center of Russian
Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
World Data Center for Solid Earth Physics
The Geotraverse Project
The Japan Sea Geotraverse
Marine Geophysical Data
The Marine Geology and Geophysics Division of the National
Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) handles a broad spectrum of marine
geophysical data, including measurements of bathymetry, magnetics,
gravity, seismic reflection sub-bottom profiles, and side-scan
images acquired by ships throughout the world's oceans. Digital
data encompass the first three, while the latter two are mostly in
analog form. The marine geophysical data are contained in the
GEOphysical DAta System (GEODAS) data management system which now
covers both underway trackline marine geophysics (TRKDAS). This data set
covers only the TRKDAS subset of GEODAS, which includes 14.5 million nautical miles
of cruise trackline coverage contributed by more that 70 organizations
worldwide. These digital data are held at NGDC in the MGD77 Exchange Format.
The GEODAS/TRKDAS Inventory also tracks 6.5 million nautical miles of analog data from
1484 surveys.
- Summary List
- MGD77 Format
Last revision June 15, 2002