Формат данных сейсмологического бюллетеня Геофизической службы РАН

              Archive "Seismological Bulletin" Symbol Format

     Archive "Seismological Bulletin" consists from the event set:

          Event_1  Event_2  ...  Event_N

     There are 5 record types, which all represent one event:

  Record_type       Record_identification         Relative_name
(internal code)    (for manual pages only)   (for manual pages only)
---------------   -------------------------  -----------------------
        1              Epicenter line                 Head
        2              Magnitude line                 Magn
        8                 Comments                    Comm
       10             Primary phase line              StaP
       11         Secondary phase & maximum           StaS

     Each record is 80 bytes long.
     All records are assumed to be event entries such as:

                             10              19  Ns
          Head  [Magn]  {Comm}   {StaP  {StaS}  }
                             0               0    

     where Ns is the number of stations reported data for an event.

Epicenter line 

     Bytes      Contents                Format         Description
     -----  -------------------------  --------  --------------------------
      1-2   This record type              i2     must be = 1
      3-4   Next record type              i2     2, 8 or 10 
      5-12  Event date                  i4,2i2   YYYYMMDD, YYYY - year,
                                                 MM - month, DD - day
     13-19  Origin time                2i2,f3.1  hhmmsss, hh - hours, mm - 
                                                 minutes, ss.s - seconds
     20-22  Standart deviation           f3.2    Rms of defining phase
     23-27  Latitude                     f5.3    in degrees
      28    Latitude symbol               a1     N or S
     29-34  Longitude                    f6.3    in degrees
      35    Longitude symbol              a1     E or W
     36-38  Small axis of ellip.error    f3.1    in kilometers
     39-41  Large axis of ellip.error    f3.1    in kilometers
     42-45  Large axis azimuth           f4.1    in degrees
     46-48  Focal depth                   i3     in kilometers
     49-57  Reserved                      a9     blanks
     58-60  Number of P/PKP epicenter
            defining observations         i3
     61-63  Total number of P/PKP       
            observations                  i3
     64-66  Number of P/PKP focal
            depth defining observations   i3
     67-70  Seismic region number         i4 
     71-73  Geographical region number    i3 
     74-77  Event number since the
            beginning of the year         i4 
      78    Station data printing flag    i1     0 or 1: 0 = yes, 1 = no *)
     79-80  Number of magnitude types
            defined for this event        i2     0, 1, 2 or 3
     *) Printed bulletin version contains station data for events that have
        magnitude more than some predefined values.

Magnitude line
     Bytes      Contents                Format         Description 
     -----  -------------------------  --------  -------------------------- 
      1-2   This record type              i2     must be = 2 
      3-4   Next record type              i2     8 or 10 
      5-12  Event date                  i4,2i2   YYYYMMDD, YYYY - year,
                                                 MM - month, DD - day
     13-14  Number of magnitude types     i2     1, 2 or 3
     15-16  Magnitude value              f2.1
     17-20  Magnitude type                a4     "MPSP", "MPLP" or "MS"   
     21-22  Reserved                      a2     blanks
     23-26  Channel                       a4     "SP","SPZ","SPN","SPE",
     27-29  Number of observations
            for this magnitude type       i3
     30-44  The same as 15-29 bytes              if number of magnitude 
            for second magnitude type            types > 1
     45-59  The same as 15-29 bytes              if number of magnitude
            for third magnitude type             types = 3 
     60-80  Reserved                      a21    blanks


     Bytes      Contents                Format         Description
     -----  -------------------------  --------  --------------------------
      1-2   This record type              i2     must be = 8
      3-4   Next record type              i2     8 or 10
      5-12  Event date                  i4,2i2   YYYYMMDD, YYYY - year,
                                                 MM - month, DD - day
     13-70  Comment text                  a58 
     71-80  Reserved                      a10    blanks

Primary phase line

     Bytes      Contents                Format         Description
     -----  -------------------------  --------  --------------------------
      1-2   This record type              i2     must be = 10
      3-4   Next record type              i2     11, 10 or 1
      5-12  Event date                  i4,2i2   YYYYMMDD, YYYY - year,
                                                 MM - month, DD - day
     13-18  Station code                  a6
     19-33  Station name                  a15
     34-38  Epicentral distance          f5.2    in degrees
     39-41  Epicenter-station azimuth     i3     in degrees
     42-47  Computed P-phase
            identification                a6
     48-50  First motion SP indicators   3a1     {C|D| }{N|S| }{E|W| }     
     51-53  First motion LP indicators   3a1     {C|D| }{N|S| }{E|W| }     
      54    Primary phase clarity         a1     {I|E|Q| }  where          
                                                 I indicating an accuracy
                                                 to within +/- 0.2 seconds 
                                                 E - within +/-1.0 seconds 
                                                 Q - less accurate than
                                                     +/- 1 second
     55-59  Reserved                      a5     blanks
     60-66  First arrival time         2i2,f3.1  hhmmsss, hh - hours, mm -
                                                 minutes, ss.s - seconds
     67-70  tobs - tJB  residual         f4.1 
     71-73  Channel                       a3     "SP","SPZ","SPN","SPE",
      74    Defining P/PKP observation
            flag                          a1     " " = yes, "*" = no 
     75-80  Reserved                      a6     blanks

Secondary phase & maximum

     Bytes      Contents                Format         Description
     -----  -------------------------  --------  --------------------------
      1-2   This record type              i2     must be = 11
      3-4   Next record type              i2     11,10 or 1
      5-12  Event date                  i4,2i2   YYYYMMDD, YYYY - year,
                                                 MM - month, DD - day
     13-14  Internal secondary phase 
            code                          i2     look at "Phase list" below
     15-19  Secondary phase arrival
            time                        i2,f3.1  mmsss,   mm - minutes, 
                                                        ss.s - seconds
      20    Secondary phase clarity       a1     {I|E| } where          
                                                  I -  impulse arrival
                                                  E - emergent arrival
     21-23  Channel                       a3     "SP","SPZ","SPN","SPE",
     24-29  Station operator's phase
            identification                a6
     30-33  Computed identification
            secondary phase error        f4.1    999.9 means "didn't computed"
     34-37  Station operator's 
            identification secondary   
            phase error                  f4.1    999.9 means "didn't computed"
     38-39  Internal phase maximum code   i2     97 ="LM", 98 ="PM", 99 ="SM"
     40-44  Time of maximum amplitude   i2,f3.1  mmsss,   mm - minutes,
                                                        ss.s - seconds
     45-47  Channel                       a3     "SP","SPZ","SPN","SPE",
     48-50  Maximum amplitude period     f3.1    in seconds
     51-57  Maximum amplitude on N-S     f7.3    in micrometers
     58-64  Maximum amplitude on E-W     f7.3    in micrometers
     65-71  Maximum amplitude on  Z      f7.3    in micrometers
     72-73  Station magnitude value on
            horizontal components        f2.1
     74-75  Station magnitude value on
            vertical component           f2.1
     76-80  Reserved                      a5     blanks

Phase list 

 Internal phase code  Phase name  | Internal phase code  Phase name
 -------------------  ----------  | -------------------  ----------
          2                P      |         26                Sg  C 
          3               pP      |         27                Pn  B
          4               sP      |         28                Pg  B
          5                S      |         29                Sn  B
          6               sS      |         30                Sg  B
          7            PKiKP      |         31               PP    
          8           pPKiKP      |         32              PPP    
          9           sPKiKP      |         33               PS
         10              PKP2     |         34               SP
         11            PKHKP      |         35               SS
         13                Pn  A  |         36              SSS
         14                P*  A  |         37              PPS
         15                Pg  A  |         38              PSP
         16                Sn  A  |         39              SPP
         17                S*  A  |         40              SSP
         18                Sg  A  |         41              PSS
         19                Pn  F  |         42              SPS
         20                Sn  F  |         43              PcP
         21                Pn  C  |         44              ScS
         22                P*  C  |         45              SKS   1
         23                Pg  C  |         46              SKS   2
         24                Sn  C  |         47             SKKS
         25                S*  C  |         48            SKKKS
 For local phases:  A - Middle Asia, F - Far East, C - Caucasus,
                    B - Baikal

Список землетрясений
URL: http://zeus.wdcb.ru/wdcb/sep/strong/format.html
Last revision January 26, 2001