Макросейсмические сведения
о землетрясении 26 января 2001 г.

По данным    NEIC, USGS

According to preliminary reports, some buildings collapsed in the state of Gujarat. The earthquake was felt at Mumbai (Bombay) and Delhi, as well as Karachi and Peshawar, Pakistan and in parts of Nepal. The earthquake was felt throughout northwest India and much of Pakistan. Also felt in western Nepal and Bangladesh. On June 16, 1819 an earthquake in this same general area killed 1500-2000 people.

The earthquake occurred along an approximately East-West trending thrust fault at shallow (<25 km) depth. Thrust faults occur when one portion of the earth's crust is pushed up over an adjacent portion. The strain that caused this earthquake is due to the Indian plate pushing northward into the Eurasian plate.

At least 1500 people reported killed.

02/01/2001: 14,240 confirmed dead, 61,638 injured and 200,000 homeless in India. Damage estimates are $1.3 billion US dollars. 18 people are also reported killed in Pakistan, with 100 injured.

Last report

At least 20,085 people killed, 166,836 injured, approximately 339,000 buildings destroyed and 783,000 damaged in the Bhuj-Ahmadabad-Rajkot area and other parts of Gujarat. Many bridges and roads damaged in Gujarat. At least 18 people killed and some injured in southern Pakistan. Felt throughout northern India and much of Pakistan. Also felt in Bangladesh and western Nepal. The earthquake occurred along an approximately east-west trending thrust fault at shallow depth. The stress that caused this earthquake is due to the Indian plate pushing northward into the Eurasian plate. Complex earthquake. A small event is followed by a larger one about 2 seconds later.

По данным    ГС РАН

Эпицентр землетрясения находился в штате Гуджарат, на западе Индии.
По сообщениям ИТАР-ТАСС наиболее пострадали города Бхудж, Ахмадабад и Бхачаи, расположенный в 70 км к востоку от города Бхуджа. На 29 января в результате удара стихии погибли свыше 20 тыс. человек (из них 15 тыс. – жители Бхуджа), число раненых превышает 30 тыс. человек, под обломками зданий, как полагают, остаются от 5 до 7 тыс. человек.

Землетрясение ощущалось во многих городах Индии, включая крупнейшие города Бомбей и Дели, а также в ряде городов Пакистана (Карачи, Пешевар) и Непала.

К поисково-спасательным работам приступили специалисты МЧС России, Австрии, Швейцарии и других стран.

На основную страницу       Список землетрясений
URL: http://zeus.wdcb.ru/wdcb/sep/strong/20010126/macro.html
Last revision December 14, 2001