Афтершоки землетрясения 26 января 2001 г.

По данным    ГС РАН

Землетрясение сопровождалось многочисленными афтершоками, сильнейший из которых с магнитудой М=5.8 произошел 28 января 2001 г. в 01час 02 мин по Гринвичу, данные о котором приведены в разделе "Служба Срочных донесений" сервера ЦОМЭ ГС РАН с номером 156 .

По данным    NEIC, USGS Map of aftershock
From experience with earthquakes around the world, we know that there are likely to be aftershocks. Some of the aftershocks may be large enough to cause additional damage. Buildings that have already been damaged by an earlier earthquake are at highest risk from damage due to a future aftershock. We also know from past experience that the number of aftershocks will decrease over the next few months. There might be short episodes of higher activity, but the overall trend will be for fewer aftershocks as time goes by. Seismologists are not able to predict the timing and sizes of individual aftershocks.

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URL: http://zeus.wdcb.ru/wdcb/sep/strong/20010126/aftershok.html
Last revision February 12, 2001