Макросейсмические сведения
о землетрясении 13 января 2001 г.

По данным    NEIC, USGS

Felt at Mexico City, in all but eastern Honduras, in most of Nicaragua, parts of Costa Rica and Panama, and in tall buildings in some cities in Colombia.

At least 600 people killed, 2400 injured, 440 missing and more than 45,000 houses destroyed in El Salvador. A large number of the damage and casualties were caused by a large landslide at Santa Tecla. At least 6 people killed in southeastern Guatemala. Felt strongly in Chiapas, Mexico. Felt at Mexico City, in most of Honduras and Nicaragua, in parts of Belize, Costa Rica and Panama and in tall buildings in some cities of Colombia. The main shock appears to be located within the Caribbean plate above the subducting Cocos plate, and is a normal faulting event. In contrast, the large aftershocks on January 14 and 16 were strike-slip events.

Felt strongly in Chiapas, Mexico. Felt at Mexico City, in most of Honduras and Nicaragua, in parts of Belize, Costa Rica and Panama and in tall buildings in some cities of Colombia.

The main shock appears to be located within the Caribbean plate above the subducting Cocos plate, and is a normal faulting event. In contrast, the large aftershocks on January 14 and 16 were strike-slip events.

As of 21 January, the death toll is 704, with 4,055 people injured and 573,609 people affected nationwide. 496 landslides have been recorded. 69,714 houses were destroyed and 104,865 damaged by the earthquake. Some 60,000 people are now in temporary shelters.

Last report

At least 844 people killed, 4,723 injured, 108,226 houses destroyed and more than 150,000 buildings damaged in El Salvador. About 585 of the deaths were caused by large landslides in Nueva San Salvador and Comasagua. Utilities and roads damaged by more than 16,000 landslides. Damage and injuries occurred in every department of El Salvador. Eight people killed in Guatemala. Felt from Mexico City to Colombia.

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URL: http://zeus.wdcb.ru/wdcb/sep/strong/20010113/macro.html
Last revision December 14, 2001