Формат данных
1- 4 AG Data sources:
"IFZ1" - "New catalog of strong earthquakes in the
USSR from ancient times through 1977", editors-in-
chiff profs. N.V.Kondorskaya and N.V. Shebalin. Nati-
onal Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Boulder,
Colorado, USA, 1982;
"IFZ2" - "Fundamental catalogue of strong earthquakes
on the territory of USSR " in collected articles
"Earthquakes in USSR in ...", Moscow, Nauka.
5- 6 RG Region number according to "New catalog of strong
earthquakes in the USSR from ancient times through
1977", ed.profs. N.V.Kondorskaya and N.V.Shebalin,
7- 11 YR Year: "-" means "B.C.".
12 S (YR) Symbol for year: "*" - year supposed; "R" - inserted
value of year is introduced to keep file time order.
13- 14 MO Month.
15 S (MO) Symbol for month: "*" - month supposed; "R" - inser-
ted value of month is introduced to keep file time
16- 17 DA Day.
18 S (DA) Symbol for day: "*" - day supposed; "R" - inserted
value of day is introduced to keep file time order.
19- 20 HR Hour.
21- 22 MN Minute.
23- 25 SC Second.
26 S (TM) Symbol for time (hour, minute, second): "*" - time
supposed; "R" - inserted value of time is introduced
to keep file time order.
27- 28 Q (TM) Error code for origin time determination:
"00" - 1 sec; "01" - 2 sec; "02" - 5 sec;
"03" - 10 sec; "04" - 20 sec; "05" - 1min;
"06" - 10 min; "07" - 1 hour; "08" - 6 hours;
"09" - 1 day; "10" - 1 month; "11" - 1 year;
"12" - 10 years; "13" - 100 years; "14" - 1000 years.
29- 33 LAT Geographical latitude (degrees); "-" - means "S",
"+" - means "N".
34- 39 LON Geographical longitude (degrees); "-" - means "W",
"+" - means "E".
40 S (EPI) Symbol for epicentre:
"*" - epicentre supposed; "G" - region number in ca-
talogue does not meet the epicentre coordinates;
"P" - coordinates of geometrical centre of possible
epicentre location zone, given in catalogue, are
listed; " " - epicentre lies outside the regions.
41 Q (EPI) Error code for epicentre coordinates determination:
"0" - 0.01; "1" - 0.02; "2" - 0.05; "3" - 0.1;
"4" - 0.2; "5" - 0.5; "6" - 1; "7" - 2; "8" - 5 (de-
42- 44 DEP Focal depth (km).
45 S (DEP) Symbol for focal depth: "*" - supposed focal depth
46 Q (DEP) Error code for focal depth determination (H-focal
depth value):
instrumental (values of error):
"0" - 0.02H; "1" - 0.05H; "2" - 0.1H; "3" - 0.2H;
"4" - 0.5; "5" - H; "6" - 2H;
focal depth determination based on macroseismic data
(intervals, in which the value lies): "3" - (H/1.2 -
1.2H); "4" - (H/1.5 - 1.5H); "5" - (H/2 - 2H); "6" -
(H/3 - 3H); "7" - (H/6 - 6H).
47 I Focal depth determination code: "*" - based on macro-
seismic information, " " - instrumental.
48- 49 MAG Magnitude (as a rule, surface-wave, horizontal compo-
nent or transformed to it).
50 S (MAG) Symbol for magnitude: "*" - supposed magnitude value.
51- 54 ORM Explanation of "magnitude" field:
"MLHB", "MLHC", "MLVB", "MLVC", "MLH", "MLV", "ML",
"MLB", "MLC" - surface-wave magnitude (symbol "H",
"V" mean horizontal or vertical component correspon-
dingly; symbol "B", "C" mean intermediate or long-
period seismometers correspondingly);
"MLHD" - "MLH" corrected for deep shocks (depth > 70
"MPV", "MPVA", "MPVB" - body-wave magnitude (symbol
"A", "B" mean short-period and intermediate-period
"MPVA" is corrected for depth (for depth > 70 km),
MPVB = MPVA+0.3;
"KLMH", "*MPV" - MLH calculated from K and MPV cor-
"KMPV" - MPV calculated from K (for deep shocks,
depth > 70 km);
"MTAU", "MINT", "MRAD" - magnitude calculated from
record duration, from macroseismic data or from maxi-
mum epicentral distance for station shock regis-
55 Q (MAG) Error code for magnitude determination:
"0" - 0.1 (>20 independent station determinations are
"1" - 0.2 (11 - 20 stations); "2" - 0.3 (6 - 10 st.);
"3" - 0.5 (3 - 5 st.); "4" - 0.7 (1 st., unreliable);
"5" - 1.0 (indirect itstrumental data); "6" - 2.0.
56- 57 N (MAG) Number of independent instrumental determinations
used for calculation of magnitude mean value.
58- 59 I1 Intensity 1 at the epicentre (MSK-64 scale); e.g. if
intensity is 6, then "06", if intensity is 5-6, then
60- 61 I2 Intensity 2 at the epicentre (MSK-64 scale); e.g. if
intensity is 6, then "06", if intensity is 5-6, then
62 S (I) Symbol for intensity at the epicentre: "*" - supposed
value of intensity at the epicentre.
63 Q (I) Error code for epicentral intensity determination:
"0" - 2 degrees; "1" - 1 deg.; "2" - 0.5 deg.;
"3" - "7" - 0.5 deg, code number corresponds to num-
ber of isoseismals.
64- 65 N (I) Number of points on isoseismal map with known inten-
66- 68 H Focal depth, based on instrumental data (km).
69 Q (H) Error code for focal depth value determination, based
on instrumental data.
70- 71 N (H) Number of stations, used for focal depth determi-
nation based on instrumental data.
72- 74 HI Focal depth, based on isoseismals (km).
75- 77 HIM Focal depth, based on relations between focal depth,
magnitude and intensity at the epicentre.
78- 80 MLHB Surface-wave magnitude value (as a rule horizontal
component, intermediate-period seismometers, if the
component or instrument type are not specified).
81 Q (MLHB) Error code for MLHB value determination.
82- 83 N (MLHB) Number of stations for MLHB value determnation.
84- 86 MLHC Surface-wave magnitude value (horizontal component,
long-period seismometers).
87 Q (MLHC) Error code for MLHC value determination.
88- 89 N (MLHC) Number of stations for MLHC value determination.
90- 92 MLHB Surface-wave magnitude value (vertical component,
intermediate-period seismometers).
93 Q (MLVB) Error code for MLVB value determination.
94- 95 N (MLVB) Number of stations for MLVB value determination.
96- 98 MPVB Body-wave magnitude value (vertical component, inter-
mediate-period seismometers).
99 Q (MPVB) Error code for MPVB value determination.
100-101 N (MPVB) Number of stations for MPVB value determination.
102-104 MPVA Body-wave magnitude value (vertical component, short-
period seismometers).
105 Q (MPVA) Error code for MPVA value determination.
106-107 N (MPVA) Number of stations for MPVA value determination.
108-110 MTAU Magnitute value, calculated from record period
111-112 N (MTAU) Number of stations for MTAU value determination.
113-115 MINT Magnitude value based on macroseismic data.
116-118 K Energy class.
119-120 A Value of minor semiaxis of epicentral coordinates
determination error ellipse (km).
121-123 B Value of major semiaxis of epicentral coordinates
determination error ellipse (km).
124-127 AZ Azimuth of major semiaxis of epicentral coordinates
determination error ellipse (deg).
128 J Macroseismic data existance code: "I" - the source
contains data about mean radii of isoseismals or
about macroseismic effect in different points.
129-130 RN Shock sequence code (according to "notes" column of
the catalogue): "A" - aftershock; "E" - foreshock;
"M" - main shock (or foreshocks and/or afterhocks
existance is indicated); "S" - the shock belongs to
a swarm; "?" after these signs means doubt.
131-132 PE Earthquake's detailed description code: "D" - catalo-
gue contains a special article with detalled descrip-
tion of the earthquake; "N" - catalogue contains the
name of the earthquake.
133-134 TS Tsunami code: "T" - the earthquake was accompanied by
tsunami; "T?" - tsunami supposed.
135-137 ADD Code of contradictions, mistakes or inaccuracy in the
sources, used in catalogue: "#"- contradictions or
mistakes in the sources; "V"- inaccuracy in the sour-
ces; "?"- the catalogue contains notes like "vague
data" or "uncertain interpretation"; "M##"- contra-
diction of macroseismis and instrumental data.
138-150 Blank.