Annual mean values of geomagnetic elements

The catalogue contains all the available observatory mean values of the geomagnetic elements, throughout the world, in order of colatitude. For this purpose an observatory is defined as a permanently occupied site, at which observations are made regularly(although the intervals between observations varies greatly from one observatory to another). The annual mean values is, in most instances, the average of the hourly values for all days during the year.
This catalogue has been prepared by collating the existing catalogues.
Bock, R. and Schumann, W. 1948. Katalog der Jahresmittel der magnetischen Elemente der Observatorie und der Stationen. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag.
Orlov, V.P. and Ivchenko, M.P. 1968-1971. Summary of annual mean values of magnetic elements at the world magnetic observatories. Part 3-6, 1968-71. Moscow, IZMIRAN.
Pushkov, A.N. and Ivchenko, M.P. 1972. Summary of annual mean values of magnetic elements at the world magnetic observatories. Part 7-13, 1972-78. Moscow, IZMIRAN.
Royal Observatory. 1967. Annual Mean Values of Geomagnetic Elements Since 1941. Bull.R.Obs., No. 134, D321-D502.
Fisher Marion P. 1976. Annual Mean Values of Geomagnetic Elements Since 1941. Institute of Geological Sciences, Geomagnetic Bulletin, N6, 170 pp., London.
Cain, J.C. 1965. Annual Mean Values of Geomagnetic Elements Since 1900. Working Group on the Analysis of the Geomagnetic Field Commission III, IAGA.
Annual Mean Values of Geomagnetic Elements 1978. (Catalogue of values for 466 observatories 1813-1979).- Institute of Geological Siences, Geomagnetic Bulletin, N10, London, 1981.

The WDC for SEP, Moscow received this data file and file with supplements from Dr. Lewis A.G., Institute of Geological Sciences, U.K.
Now The Observatory Annual Means Data Base is supported at the World Data Center for Solid Earth Geophysics, Boulder.

Users can order subsets of data by e-mail .